Klasický domáci produkt.
Classical Czech Product.
Classical Czech Product.
Firma Pinneli která Semtex vyrábí letos slaví 15té narozeniny. Semtex má několik různých podob. Vyrábí se jak s klasickým objemem 250ml ale i 500ml dále jsou tu Ice a Hot s 150ml a Premium s 196ml. Na trhu jsou Forte CO2, Light, Hot, Ice, Premium a dále různé potisky k událostem jako je Semtex Culture a jiné festivaly. Semtex Miluj a nebo Semtex Forte Kenvelo.
Dříve se vyráběl ještě Smetex Junior a Semtex Tequila.
Firm Pinneli makes Semtex this year celebrating 15year on Czech market. Semtex have some style. With classical europe size - 250ml but olso 500ml, Semtex Ice and Hot have 150ml and Premium Cans have 196ml. On Czech market is Semtex - Clasical, Forte with CO2, Hot and Ice, Light. Semtex Culture and other festivals, Semtex Loves or Semtex Forte with sing Kenvelo.
The earlier was Semtex Junior and Semtex Tequila.
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